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Exercise Resources


Published April 27, 2021

Our coccyx is the lowest point of the spinal column and is often referred to as the tailbone. It sits just below the sacrum and plays an important role in allowing for stability – especially when seated. Pain in this region can be the result of several reasons such as trauma to the coccyx and the surrounding muscles. Physiotherapy exercises for coccyx pain are one of the main treatment options for inflammation or trauma within this region of your body. If you’re experiencing coccyx pain give these exercises a try at home:

Piriformis Stretch

This stretch targets the tissues that attach to your coccyx – mainly those in the middle of the buttock. Grab a yoga mat, or find a soft carpeted floor to lie down on your back.

  • With your back on the floor, lift your left leg over your right knee, to cross your legs.
  • Gently bring your knees towards your chest.
  • If your knees are sore, use your hands to apply gentle pressure or hold on to the front of the shin.
  • Hold for 2 minutes.
  • Lower your legs and repeat the stretch on the other side.

Gluteal Cross Leg Stretch

Both the glutes are attached to the coccyx and can be a major source of pain after long periods of running or exercise and can pull on the tailbone – causing discomfort. This stretch aims to loosen the glutes and relieve any inflammation in the lower spinal region.

  • Lying flat on the back, bring your left ankle over the right leg.
  • Keeping your left knee out to the side, gently pull your right leg up to your chest.
  • For an extension – hold the front of your thigh or shin and apply gentle pressure forwards your chest.
  • Lower your legs and repeat the stretch on the other side.

Hamstring Stretch

This an all-time classic loosens up the tissues that connect up with the buttocks and coccyx.

  • Lying on the back, and keeping the lower back firmly stable on the ground.
  • Keeping one foot on the ground and knee bent, as you breathe out – slowly bring the other leg up into the air until you feel resistance.
  • Keep your foot relaxed and toe pointed up.
  • Hold the back of your thigh with your hands or if you can’t reach using a towel.
  • Lower and repeat with the opposite leg.

If pain persists or you notice a worsening of symptoms it’s important to get professional help. Our physio for back pain treatment plans offers personalised physical therapy assistance to suit your lifestyle and body-type.

Coccyx Pain Treatment Options

Sometimes instant relief is the only thing on your mind, especially if the pain is particularly acute. If you’re experiencing persistent pain – your first port of call should be a local physio for coccyx pain who can give you a professional diagnosis. Here are some other quick coccyx pain treatment options:

  • Sit in between two pillows so the hips are supported on either side.
  • Apply ice and/or heat to the affected area – this should help relieve inflammation in the short term.
  • Over-the-counter pain relief options are available at all chemists.

4 Simple Ways To Prevent Tailbone Pain

Many of the symptoms that result from tension and inflammation in the lower spine and tailbone are a result of some daily habits that can easily be shaken off with some practice and discipline. Here are a few prevention techniques you can use to prevent tailbone pain in the future:

  • Spend less time sitting down. It’s the most obvious one, but often the hardest to achieve if you’re working an office job. If you’re finding this is the main reason for your coccyx pain, it might be worth investing in a standing height work table or finding more time during the day to go for walks.
  • Incorporate physiotherapy exercises for coccyx pain into your daily routine. Even if it’s 4 minutes of stretches every day or second day, this can go a long way in relieving long-term pain and symptoms.
  • Cushion seats wherever possible. Having a softer surface to sit on at work or at the dining table is an excellent way of relieving pressure and softening the sustained pressure and impact when you sit down.
  • Change your posture habits – working on posture is an important part of reducing stress on the coccyx. Setting a ‘posture reminder’ on your phone is a good way to keep yourself on the ball when you’re parked at a desk for the day.

Don’t let your tailbone pain become chronic or lasting, book an appointment with our team at Integrity Physio and get personalised physiotherapy exercises for coccyx pain.

Leslie Trigg

Director & Senior Physiotherapist at Integrity Physiotherapy Leslie Trigg, has over 15 years of experience in clinical practice. He has graduated with a degree in Human Biology (Anatomy and Physiology) from Curtin University in 2001 and later completed a Masters of Physiotherapy in 2007. He has tremendous experience in musculoskeletal, orthopaedic, neurosurgical and sports physiotherapy. In his spare time, he enjoys swimming, listening to music and spending time with his family.